5 Ways To Be More Confident In Your Style

by The visual aspect

Keep Your Closet Organized & Clean

Confidence in your style comes from knowing what is in your wardrobe. With an organized closet, you can easily pull an outfit together each day.


Don't Go with The Flow

There are so many trends, blogs, magazines, and celebrities telling you what you should wear. Take it with a grain of salt!


Size is Just a Number

We’re all going through different seasons in our lives when it comes to our bodies. Buy the size that fits you well and wear it with confidence!


Find Your Clothing Niche

Find Your Niche Piece of Clothing That Brings You Confidence. For me, its a maxi or midi dress!


Wear The Heels!

Find a style of heels that work for you and replicate similar styles for each season. If you don't wear heels much or at all,  once you get used to wearing heels you will love them.


About The Visual Aspect

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Created by DeAnna Rivers, The Visual Aspect is a platform for women to learn how to elevate their style and create a timeless staple wardrobe.