The Visual Aspect-Interview Series Presents: Rhona’s Rituals  

My blog is a fashion and travel blog where I share my favorite high-street items in my favorite high-street stores. I also share my passion for travel and all of the hotspots I visit.

Get to know Florence by reading her interview below. Enjoy!

Interview Questions

1. Could you start by sharing a bit about yourself?

I am a fun loving girl next door who is obsessed with her family. My hobbies are travelling, shopping and blogging. I love to travel and my dream would be to be a high fashion model.  At 26 I can confirm that I am currently working through what I like to call the “quarter life crisis”. That’s a stage in life where you feel like you are in limbo education is well and truly done, been working for the same company for a few years and I am yet to get married and have kids( ahh panic) . I haven’t quite figured out the plan for my life going ahead but I know whatever comes my way I can handle it and I am going to pursue my dream. My blog often touches on this topic by sharing positive encouraging advice for other people who might be feeling the same way.

2. Could you tell us about your blog and what inspired you to start one?

My blog is a fashion and travel blog in which I share my favorite items in my favorite high-street stores. All of the outfits I share are under £100 because I love the high-street and I want to show my readers that you don’t have to pay a fortune to look good. My blog has two parts to it The Long of It and the Short of it. The Long of it is any life advice I have experience that week and the latter is a quick snapshot of the outfit I am modelling. I started my blog because I wanted to combine and share all of my interests and passions in the hope it will help my readers. I also thought it’s a great way to document my life. My very own public diary!

3. Who is your fashion inspiration?

My fashion inspiration is Rhianna. I love how she can wear anything from streetwear to demure couture so effortlessly. Style is an illustration of how you feel and sometimes I feel like I want to look like Carrie Bradshaw and others Zoe Kravitz so I can deffo relate to Rhianna’s style.

4. How would you describe your style?

My style is clean, textured and tailored. Even if I am wearing a Tee you will always find me wearing skinny jeans because I always aim to sculpt my shape. My body type is quite straight. I was called Cameron Diaz by my friend ( not impressed) but she had a point my body type is boyish and although that wouldn’t be my choice of body type if I could pick one I have learnt to love and work with what I have got. I also like subtle sexy cuts so I’m currently a fan of side boob and crop tops.

5. What are your favorite stores to shop at, and why?

My favorite shops are Topshop, Zara and H&M. I love the quality at each store and their collaborations with high end designers. Although their prices are very competitive they all have a high end collection where you can find items between £60 – £100 and you know when you put them in the wash they will keep their shape and quality. After binging on clothes for years I have learnt it’s worth having 2 quality jumpers that cost £70 then 10 jumpers that cost a tenner each!

6. What is an item you splurge on?

Deffo a handbag. Your arm candy is something that can make a brake your outfit and whilst I like the odd cheap bag a designer one can upscale your outfit by 100.

7. What is your next fashion must have?

Some staple nude shoes. I am addicted to black because let’s face it everything looks great in black. However now that it is summer and the majority of my clothed are lighter shades a nice nude shoe is the perfect item to complete the outfit.

8. How do you handle fashion trends? (Do you like to keep up with them or not pay attention to them at all…)

With fashion trends I only buy into the ones that I really like. Even then I’ll only purchase one item because I know the likelihood is next year it won’t be “in” anymore. Right now my favorite fashion trend is the crop top/underwear as outerwear!!! I have bought more than one because it has many uses lol

9. Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?

Yes!!! No legs and boobs out at the same time. If it’s a bodycon situation then the dress has to be long enough meaning well below the knee. I have to always feel comfortable in what I am wearing otherwise it is a nightmare.

10. For my readers that are looking to freshen up their wardrobe, what is a great fashion tip you can share with them?

Deffo declutter. A good spring clean of items you really do not wear is a great way to make sure you’re not going to end up wearing that velour tracksuit again. Stay relevant by getting rid of items that don’t represent you at this stage of your life anymore!!!

Be sure to follow Florence on social media:

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