How to feel confident at a networking event


Hello and welcome back to The Visual Aspect! I am still recovering slightly from ACL Festival…Still coughing up all the dust, smoke, and whatever else was in the air. Besides that, I still had the best time this past weekend! Today I wanted to talk about how to feel confident at a networking event. Honestly, this post is not only geared towards networking events, but it’s also about any event you have coming up that you want to feel confident at. 

I was originally going to show you some outfits that help me feel confident when I must go to an event. However, I think a topic like this is better covered in a different format, and I will give you a few pointers/tips on what I do to prepare for an event like this. I am by no means a pro at networking and any event can be daunting. I do feel like a figured out a system for myself that helps me get into the mindset of having a successful night. For this post, I am going to use a networking event as the focus, but I believe and know you can apply these tips to a variety of scenarios. Down to walking up to you someone you admire, just to talk to them for a few minutes. Alright, let’s jump into it!

What the heck do I wear?!

I don’t know about you but the first thing that pops into my head is, what do I wear? First things first, always go with the outfit that you feel the most comfortable in. A networking event is not the time or place to wear your new heels fresh out of the box from Nordstrom. Learn from my mistake that I recently made, when I decided to wear my new orange pumps for the first time to an event. My feet were killing me an hour in, and I was ready to leave but somehow, I pushed through another 30 minutes before heading out. I made a few connections, but I really would’ve liked to stay a little bit longer to talk to more people.  

Most times you can already get a sense of what you should wear to the event in terms of is this business professional, etc. If I am going to a networking event involving the blogging and fashion community, I tend to be a little more creative with my outfits because that is my personal branding. However, comfort is always key. If I am going to wear a heel, choose a chunky or platform shoe. I love maxi dresses because they make me feel like this confident, boho-chic, goddess…Honestly, it is my version of a power pose in the form of a dress. Just remember to know the type of event you’re going to and if there is some type of dress code. Then dress for yourself and what makes you feel good and be comfortable. That combination right there is already setting you up for a successful night!

What the heck do I bring?!

This is going to sound old school but bring your business cards. I have tried the, “oh let’s follow each other on Instagram.” Then once I get home, I don’t even remember who I followed, who followed me. It doesn’t work as well as you think. I created very inexpensive, very on-brand business cards using Canva, Moo Designs, and even bought a template off Creative Market. Those are easy options that you can quickly create a card to bring. Just make sure you give yourself at least a week to make the cards and have them shipped to you in time. 


Another scenario that I have come across more often lately is when the other person doesn’t have a business card. Do you know what I do? I ask if I can add them right into my phone contacts or google contacts. It was kind of weird at first because it seems like a more relaxed approach to someone in a professional setting. But I have met some amazing people and I didn’t want to lose out on an opportunity to follow up with them because they didn’t have a card to give me. Just go for it! It works if you ask nicely. Something along the lines of… “Do you mind adding your information into my contacts? I would love to follow up with you later this week!” 

What do I do once I get there?!

The first thing I do once I get to the event is to go to the ladies’ room to freshen up. If I have someone in mind that I already know will be at the event and that I want to talk to, I take care of that first. I would try to avoid hitting up the open bar and eating all the food first thing. As much as a temptation that can be. I like to talk to people first, at least the couple of I have on my radar, and once that’s done grab a drink! It’s like a reward for accomplishing what I came to do lol I also don’t have to worry about food getting stuck in my teeth while trying to talk to the social media director of a brand I would like to partner with. 

Let’s be real you don’t have to force yourself to stay at a networking event the entire time. I like to get there early, give myself about 1 to 1-½ hours to talk it up with everyone, then I am on my merry way. As much as I am an extrovert, having small talk conversations (outside of the people that I am intentionally wanting to talk to) can be draining to me. I go home and lay on the couch immobile until it’s time for bed.

Quick recap: Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident, comfortable, and don’t be afraid to show your personality through your outfit. Know the type of event that you are going to and bring your business cards. If there are specific people you would like to talk to at this event, go talk to them first, then hit up the bar and eat the food. Finally, you don’t need to stay the ENTIRE time. Go for an hour or so then head out…just make sure you connect with at least 3-4 people first 🙂

I hope this brings you some peace and maybe a little bit of confidence for your next networking event. Also, know that you can use these tips for any other type of event as well. Do you have any tips for when you go to networking events? If so let me know below!

Photography by Sean Baier


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