
I find myself feeling completely overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, and sadMy mental health was already running on fumes with Covdi-19 happeningAnd now this?May 30th, I felt a switch happen in my heart, mind, and soulI no longer felt safeI no longer felt like me being a good person, me respecting authority,I no longer felt like me minding my own business was enoughI thought I had found a way to avoid being…
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What is healing?Healing for me was waking up each day feeling energizedFeeling grateful for the day ahead of me and not feeling an ounce of sadnessWhy would I be sad?I love my morning routines, listening to podcast, drinking my coffee or tea, and appreciating the amazing people I have in my life.Overall starting the day on the right foot As the days, weeks, and months go on, things happen, but…
Austin, Texas
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A little bit of context: Breakups are hard and painful to go through but in it, there’s the opportunity to reflect. Over the past several weeks I’ve been reflecting a lot and I’ve been trying to put my thoughts into words this past week. As I was taking a walk late last night it all just came to me and below are all the words I’ve finally been able to…
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