The Visual Aspect-Interview Series Presents: Fashion Eclectic

Fashion Eclectic. My little mark in the world of www dot. All seen through my lens. The ups and downs. The thoughts on life. My endless seek for inspiration. And my great love for fashion writing. This is the fashion and lifestyle blog of a Danish, young woman with big dreams, and a strong belief that this world will be good to her.

Get to know Christina by reading her interview below. Enjoy!

Interview Questions

1. Could you start by sharing a bit about yourself?

I’m a 24 y/o Danish woman living in New York City. I moved here 2 years ago to pursue my dream and build my career. I love everything fashion and lifestyle related, and coffee is my go-to drink. This is also what my blog, Fashion Eclectic, will feature.

2. Could you tell us about your blog and what inspired you to start one?

I’ve been blogging on different platforms since my early teenage years, but I wanted a clean slate when I moved to New York City. It was a new chapter in my life, and I knew that would bring a lot of new inspiration. Fashion Eclectic is all about fashion trends, my outfits, some more personal posts, and New York City-lifestyle. I want it to be a creative and inspiring universe that makes people happy.

3. Who is your fashion inspiration?

I actually get my inspiration from many different people. Influencers such as Aimee Song, Chriselle Lim, Esteè Lalonde etc. But I also get a lot of inspiration from the eclectic street style here in New York, as well as fashionable friends and colleagues. Funny enough I can also get inspired by the weather, from music, TV, flowers etc. 

4. How would you describe your style?

Colorful and playful with a touch of Scandinavian minimalism.

5. What are your favorite stores to shop at, and why?

It depends if I want high-street or high-fashion. My favorite high-street stores are TopShop and H&M on Fifth Avenue and Zara  in SoHo. My favorite high-fashion stores are probably Gucci and Bergdorg Goodman on Fifth Avenue, and Miu Miu in SoHo.

6. What is an item you splurge on?

I love buying a good pair of shoes, and have recently bought the ultimate princess heels from Miu Miu as well as a pair of classic Gucci loafers. I would say splurge on accessories.

7. What is your next fashion must have?

I have two things on top of the list: A pair of shoes for the warmer weather, that has finally arrived to NYC, and then some cool rings of good quality to style a really good stack of rings.

8. How do you handle fashion trends? (Do you like to keep up with them or not pay attention to them at all…)

I looooove fashion trends. It’s one of the things I create my blog universe around. I spend a lot of time exploring trends before they become a mainstream trend, and look at trends as a new fresh addition.

9. Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?

Two things: 1. Have fun! Fashion shouldn’t be taken too seriously, have fun with it and mix different styles and trends, 2. Feeling comfortable is key. You will shine so much more when you feel comfortable in your outfit. That doesn’t mean looking like you just got out of bed, it just means get your correct size, wear stuff you love, maybe bring flats if you’re going to walk a lot etc.

10. For my readers that are looking to freshen up their wardrobe, what is a great fashion tip you can share with them?

Well, now is definitely the time to do it! Welcome Spring with loads of colors such as pink, yellow, purple, and green. An easy way to update is with accessories, which you can change after your mood. A basic outfit can look fresh and new with a cute new bag, some jewelry, or a pair of statement shoes. Zara and TopShop are amazing high-street stores, when it comes to that.

Be sure to follow Christina on social media:

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